What is the NCER endorsement process?
Eligibility: NCER and CAEP member
How to start the process: The peer review of the protocols occurs at the request of the applicant who sends the protocol, the NCER checklist (Appendix 1) , structured abstract summary (Appendix 2) and the request for review cover letter to the NCER chair through the CAEP administrative lead, Gail Chapman, jbeljo@caep.ca.
Steps in the Preferred Process for All Protocols (funded and unfunded):
- NCER Chair or delegate receives the structured abstract
- Applicant’s structured abstract posted on the password protected NCER website (Appendix 2)
- Applicant presents at the NCER annual meeting (25mins presentation and 20 mins questions)
- Applicant submits revised complete protocol to the NCER chair or delegate which is directed to the Manuscript and Grants Counselor
- NCER Manuscript and Grants Counselor sends the protocol out for peer review by at least two NCER executive members or NCER peer reviewers using the checklist compliance (Appendix 1), and the standardized template (Appendix 3) within 2 weeks of receipt
- NCER peer reviewers review the protocol and decide if NCER endorsement is recommended to the NCER executive within 6 weeks of receipt
- If NCER executive confirms endorsement, NCER chair sends out an endorsement letter with all copies of peer review within 8 weeks of receipt
- If NCER executive does not confirm endorsement, NCER chair sends out the peer review documents and reviewers’ recommendations within 8 weeks of receipt.
Alternative process:
Examples of why one would use this alternative process:
- if rapid review required to meet grant funding submission deadlines (Alt Process – Grant)
- If a rapid review is required prior to implementation if funded or alternatively if no funding is required (Alt Pathway– Protocol)
- If a rapid review would be helpful for a draft manuscript related to a completed project (Alt Pathway – Manuscript)
If NCER endorsement is granted the researcher will:
- Receive a formal letter of NCER endorsement from the NCER chair
- Present the protocol at the next NCER annual meeting if the protocol had not already been presented i.e. alternative pathway
- Provide annual updates at the NCER annual meeting until the project is completed
- Use pre-formatted NCER endorsement in the author byline and acknowledgement in all manuscripts, slides in presentation (funding or support), websites, social media platforms or reports where protocol and publications are promoted/shared. (Appendix 4).