2021 Meeting

Click on the links for more information:

Registration Agenda Virtual Platform Information
Accreditation Protocol Presentations Cancellation Policy
Protocol Idea Generator Session Certificate of Attendance

This year’s meeting will be held on February 22 – 25, 2021; Research Professionals will meet from 1130-1400 EST February 22 and February 25. The Science portion of NCER will occur from 1030-1430 EST on February 23 and 24.

February 22
1200 - 1210Pre Conference Research Professional Session: Welcome! Bienvenue!Cathy Clement, Valerie Boucher
February 22
1210 - 1220Pre Conference Research Professional Session: Review RPC Terms of ReferenceCathy Clement
February 22
1220 - 1400Pre Conference Research Professional Session: Conducting Research During a PandemicVlad Latiu
February 23
1030 - 1100Introduction to the virtual meeting and the interfaces we will use to encourage discussion and networkingLaurie Morrison, Shanna Scarrow
February 23
1100 - 1120Partial Endorsement: Assessing the impact of improving discharge information after emergency care on patient reported outcomesSam VallancourtVP1
February 23
1120 - 1130Update: Multi-Centre Cluster-Randomized Implementation of Canadian Syncope Risk Score based Practice Recommendations for Emergency Department Syncope ManagementVenk ThiruganasambandamoorthyTU2
February 23
1130 - 1150Full Endorsement: Evaluating the Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block to Relieve Benign Headache Pain in the Emergency DepartmentDilan PatelPaF3
February 23
1150 - 1200Idea Generator: Evaluation of a diabetes navigator for ED patients with hyperglycemia: a pilot RCTJustin YanYI13
February 23
1200 - 1220Full Endorsement: REDucing Overdiagnosis and Overuse to improve Care and Equity (REDOOCE)Eddy LangLF5
February 23
1220 - 1230Update: Implementation of the Canadian Clinical Practice Guideline for the diagnosis of Acute aortic syndromeRobert OhleOU6
February 23
1230 - 1300Break
February 23
1300 - 1310Information on CCEDRRNCorinne Hohl
February 23
1310 -1320CCEDRRN M1_Registry MethodsCorinne HohlHU7
February 23
1320 - 1330CCEDRRN M4_CDR COVID DeathPatrick ArchambaultAU19
February 23
1330 - 1340Update: The right care, for the right patient, at the right time, by the right provider: A value-based comparison of the management of ambulatory respiratory diseases in walk-in clinics, primary care physician practices and emergency departments.Simon BerthelotBU9
February 23
1340 - 1400Full Endorsement: Evaluating Microdosing in the Emergency Department: A randomized controlled trial of buprenorphine/naloxone microdosing versus standard dosing (The EMED Study)Jessica MoeMF10
February 23
1400 - 1410Idea Generator: Improving Methamphetamine Intoxication Management in the Emergency Department: An Implementation StudyStephanie VandenBergVI4
February 23
1410 - 1430Partial Endorsement: Machine Learning Triage ScoreLars GrantGP11
February 23
1430 - 1530Emerging Researchers Committee Meeting
February 24
1030 - 1100Networking over coffee
February 24
1100 - 1120Full Endorsement: Canadian Syncope Risk Score 2.0 DerivationVenk ThiruganasambandamoorthyVF12
February 24
1120 - 1130Update: Derivation and Internal Validation of a Clinical Prognostic Tool for Recurrent ED Visits for Hyperglycemia in Patients with Diabetes: A Multicentre Prospective Cohort StudyJustin YanYU14
February 24
1130 - 1150Partial Endorsement: Optimizing care for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patientsAlexis CournoyerAP15
February 24
1150 - 1200Idea Generator: An ITS analysis comparing COVID public health measures with ED visits, hospitalizations and disease-specific mortality for pneumonia and COPD Eddy LangLI24
February 24
1200 - 1220Full Endorsement: A Phase IIb 3 arm randomized clinical pilot study to assess the impact of a Peer-support program to improve Social Isolation and Loneliness due to COVID-19 – Does adding a secure, user friendly video-conference solution work better than telephone support alone?Jacques LeeLF16
February 24
1220 - 1230Update: Development of novel coronary artery disease risk scores in the high-sensitivity troponin eraAndrew McRaeMU17
February 24
1230 - 1300Break
February 24
1300 - 1310CCEDRRN M3_CDR COVID DCSteve BrooksBU18
February 24
1310 - 1320CCEDRRN M2_CDR COVID PositiveAndrew McRaeMU8
February 24
1320 - 1330CCEDRRN M5_CDR Screening AdmissionsPhil DavisDU20
February 24
1330 -1340CCEDRRN_M6_Cohort COVID Positive by Phases of the PandemicCorinne HohlHU22
February 24
1340 - 1400Partial Endorsement: Derivation of a clinical prediction rule to rule out a central cause of vertigo in patients presenting with acute vertigo to the emergency departmentRobert OhleOP23
February 24
1400 - 1410Update: Manuscript: Learning integrated health system to mobilize context-adapted knowledge with a wiki platform to improve the transitions of frail seniors from hospitals and emergency departments to the community: protocol for the LEARNING WISDOM mixed-methods implementation studyPatrick ArchambaultArU21
February 24
1410 - 1430Main conference wrap-upLaurie Morrison
February 25
1200 - 1300Post Conference Research Professional Session: Wellness and Burnout in the Medical Research Community: A PrimerDr. Rod Lim
February 25
1300 - 1355Post Conference Research Professional Session: How to Create & Manage an ED Volunteer Program, plus a "Volunteer's Experience"Jennifer Brinkhurst, Matthew Lukasik, Fayad Al-Haimus
February 25
1355 - 1400Post Conference Research Professional Session: Wrap UpCathy Clement

Kindly note that all NCER attendees are required to enroll as a NCER member. Physicians attending the meeting and all protocol presenters are also required to be a CAEP member. You will not be able to register for the event until there is a NCER membership on your file.

NCER Meeting Registration Fee NCER Membership Fee
CAEP member physician $150 + NCER membership fee $50
CAEP member non-physician $20 + NCER membership fee $50
Non CAEP member non-physician* $20 + NCER membership fee $50

*Non CAEP member non-physician attendees must be nominated by a CAEP – NCER member in order to attend.

This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and approved by Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians. You may claim a maximum of 6 hours (credits are automatically calculated).

Learning Objectives

  • To lead internationally in the conduct of high-impact emergency care research
  • To collaborate with colleagues and interdisciplinary collaborators across the nation and beyond
  • To build capacity in Canadian emergency care research
  • To disseminate our findings through knowledge translation and exchange, ensuring the science has an impact on care, education scholarship, policy decisions, outcomes, and systems of care

Learning objectives for the protocol reviews are:

  • To optimize the methodology and analytical plan for the study
  • To educate potential sites on the trial and participation
  • To receive NCER written feedback and endorsement

The meeting will be held on Zoom with the link(s) being circulated to all attendees approximately one week in advance. Presenters will be asked to pre-record their talks using Zoom. Instructions for recording your presentation are available here.

Submit your protocol/protocol update here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NCER2021. The deadline is Monday, February 15, 2021.

Protocol endorsements: Presenters will have 8 minutes for full protocols and 12 minutes for discussion, which will be mediated by a member of the NCER executive. We strongly encourage presenters to come prepared with 2-3 questions or items they are seeking advice on to guide the discussion and ensure these 3 questions are embedded at the start of the presentation and again at the end.

Protocol updates: Presenters will have 5 minutes for updates and 5 minutes for discussion, which will be mediated by a member of the NCER executive. Investigators whose projects have been endorsed by NCER are strongly encouraged to provide an update.

An opportunity for investigators to present one slide on an idea or concept for a multi centre trial or study that would benefit from group discussion. These concept time slots may serve to just get the intellectual juices flowing and perhaps spark some discussions during the networking breaks. Each presenter will have 5 minutes for presentation + 5 for discussion.

Please contact kwyatt@caep.ca if you would like to present during one of these sessions (space is limited).

Cancellations received in writing by 5 pm ET on Wednesday, February 17, 2021 will be refunded minus a 15% administration fee. No refunds will be issued for cancellations received after that time. Only cancellations received in writing (kwyatt@caep.ca) will be processed.

Questions? Contact Kelly Wyatt (kwyatt@caep.ca